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ZOSIA SPOTKANIE 29: LEKCJA 14 Temat: The use of get. - The use of get - discussion HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 28: LEKCJA 13 Temat: Participle clauses. Participle clauses: HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 27: LESSON 14 Temat: Different countries/traditions; Poland vs Ireland. 1. Check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 26: LEKCJA 12 Temat: Passive: infinitive and gerund structures. - Passive: infinitive and gerund structures - exercises HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher SPOTKANIE 25: LESSON 13 Temat: LESSON 13 Nature, Plants and animals 1. check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 24: LESSON CHRISTMAS Temat: CHRISTMAS. 1. Warm up: vocabulary HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 23: LEKCJA 11 Temat: Causative have. - Causative have - rules and activties
- Video: LINK HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher SPOTKANIE 22: LESSON 12 Temat: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / INVENTION. 1. Check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 21: LEKCJA 10 Temat: Have - idioms, have as an auxilary verb. - Have - idioms, have as an auxilary verb HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 20: LESSON 11 Temat: Autumn / Technology. 1. Check homework: vocabulary HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 19: LEKCJA 9 Temat: Clauses of purpose. PPP Grammar unit 6 HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 18: LESSON 10 Temat: SPORTS. - Warm up HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 17: LEKCJA 8 Temat: Clauses od time, reason, concession. - Clauses of reason, time and concession - theory, activities HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 16: LEKCJA 7 Temat: Perfect infinitive. Perfect infinitive - theory, exercises Bamboozle - irregular verbs HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 15: LESSON 9 Temat: Work / My dream job. - Check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 14: LESSON 8 Temat: Holidays. 1. check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 13: LEKCJA 6 Temat: Inversion - part 2. / Phrasal verbs. Inversion: activities LINK
LINK HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 12: LESSON 7 Temat: Taking risk. 1. Check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 11: LEKCJA 5 Temat: Inversion. Video 1: LINK HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 10: LESSON 6 Temat: Transport and traffic 1. Warm up introduction HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 9: LESSON 5 Temat: Character traits and appearance 1. Check homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 8: LEKCJA 4 Temat: Modal verbs / Personal and impresonal structures. Repetytorium maturane: Grammar 3: Modal verbs - continuous and simple forms with modals (ppp)
Personal and impersonal structures LINK HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 7: LEKCJA 3 Temat: Past and future tenses. PPP Tenses: slides 2-3 (Past and future tenses) HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 6: LESSON 4 Temat: Fashion - Checked homework HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 5: LESSON 3 Temat: CRIME. - Warm up: catching up with news. HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 4: LEKCJA 2 Temat: Definite articles. Definite articles: video: LINK HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 3: LESSON 2 Temat: Animals. Animals - discussion HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
SPOTKANIE 2: LEKCJA 1 Temat: Formal letter. Quiz: list formalny HOMEWORK for the next lesson with the Polish teacher
SPOTKANIE 1: LESSON 1 Temat: How was your holiday? Coming back to school + Ice break with Haniyh. - Ice break HOMEWORK for the next lesson with a native speaker
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